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  1. #1
    Free User Shova's Avatar
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    Some Suggestions.

    I have been here since day 1 thanks to the information from BugWT. I just would like to make some suggestions for the bot so it can grow and become better. I am not here to criticize or anything of that sort. I would just like to suggest maybe a randomization of the waypoints. If you keep going the same ways over and over it is kind of obvious for CIP to detect you botting. I also would like to suggest a randomization for the healer speed. Lets say I have 1 or 2 serpent spawns on me and it is set to 400-500 Milliseconds. Well Maybe the speed of the healer can be upgraded to something like 200-300 milliseconds when there is 3+ serpents spawns or medusas on my screen. Also I would like to add maybe a random vial dropper script. It also becomes obvious if I drop vials always at 15 or so. Maybe it can be changed just like the mana fluider of the script to be randomized for instance 10-25. It also drops vials everytime i do to deposit my vials in my depot square meter maybe it can drop vials at random locations as well when it deposits. I also have a problem with the auto library updater within the bot. I am not sure but when I restart the bot it asks me to do it over and over. I am not sure why it does this.

    @Edit spelled locations as vocations. x.x

  2. #2
    Moderator Raphael's Avatar
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    WindBot already has random waypoints, it's called Range. It's already possible to change SpamRate based on the number of creatures around, using setsettings, ask for such hotkey in the proper board. There's already a Flask Dropper hotkey that drops them on a random SQM, based on a random amount. The problem with the Library Updater should be reported as bug on the proper board, if you can find more information about it.

  3. #3
    Free User Shova's Avatar
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    Ok thank you for the information. I'm sorry for this thread then. I was not aware of it and only trying to help make this bot better.

    I hope script makers take advantage of these tools and also make it where it is not the same depot every time to deposit. Thank you again.

    P.S Soon I will finish school as a programmer and I hope I can be more help to this bot or other futures bots or maybe I can help in the making of new games that you guys will enjoy.
    Last edited by Shova; 01-10-2014 at 04:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Free User Orimorfus's Avatar
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    all possible with setsetting() function, also i can advice you to use only nodes for walking between waypoions and stands just for holes, stairs etc.

    for randomizing your depositer you can set stand somewhere in dp with for example 5x5 sqm and action in same place with:
    PHP Code:
    if not islocation(5then
    here your depositer action
    it should stand in random sqm in this 5x5 square and start action, since opendepot function is choosing closest depot it will open random dp too
    hope it helped
    Last edited by Orimorfus; 01-10-2014 at 09:17 AM.



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