Hello Fellow Windbotters, I have encountered a problem.
I am currently botting on a server called "Ezodus" and they have added a new item "Quiver" which is for your arrows. Im currently using this script:
local nameAmmo = 'crystalline arrow'
local containerAmmo = 'dragon backpack'
local maxAmmoQuiver = 600
auto(30000, 60000)
if itemcount(nameAmmo, containerAmmo) >= 1
for i = 1, 4
moveitems(nameAmmo, 'rhand', containerAmmo, 100)
This works okay however Windbot keeps trying to put the arrows in the "belt" place. is there a way to stop it from happening? since this is no longer available.
Thanks every1 for the help. Appreciate it <3
I already disabled "auto equip ammo" no change.