hello, i can't use a pillow backpack as a usable backpack on scripts. is that a bug or still need to be added compatibility? it only open backpacks, but is not capable to move items in there like when buying pots or looting.
hello, i can't use a pillow backpack as a usable backpack on scripts. is that a bug or still need to be added compatibility? it only open backpacks, but is not capable to move items in there like when buying pots or looting.
it's not about the script maker, i've added it manually on script settings etc and tried on different scripts, it works for open backpack, but don't loot.
Last edited by italop; 04-03-2017 at 10:03 PM.
Click Edit Useroptions and replace it there
When you change the setting in the looting destination, does it stay as what you've changed it to afterwards? I suspect the answer is no, in which case a persistent script will be polling the user options to find out what backpack you have specified there, and setting the looting destination to the container listed. I'm 99% sure it's the script. Feel free to name the script (and scripter) in question and I'll happily take a look - I can talk directly with most of the paid scripters so it might make things easier, but there is absolutely no technical reason why it should not work short of the scripter not including pillow backpack in their user options.
Last edited by Josh; 04-04-2017 at 01:56 AM.
i changed everyting, user options, looting, setting, and double checked if there isn't another buggy update settings script. the action that is failling on my scripts is that:it works with any 20 volume bp and bp of holding. But with pillow backpack the script simply don't drag to pillow backpack', neither to second supp backpack which means it recognise pillow backpack's but cant drag itens do it.-- [[ Pot Buyer ]] --
if not islocation(1) then
gotolabel($wptid-2, $wptsection)
local Items = {
{Name = "mana potion", Amount = tonumber(getuseroption("MpToBuy"))+randomPots},
{Name = "ultimate health potion", Amount = tonumber(getuseroption("UhpToBuy"))+randomHp}
for k, v in ipairs(Items) do
local ActualAmount = v.Amount - itemcount(v.Name)
while ActualAmount > 0 and $cap > 10 do
buyitems(v.Name, ActualAmount)
while windowcount(suppbp) > 0 and getcontainer(suppbp).emptycount > 0 and itemcount(v.Name, mainbp) > 0 do
moveitems(v.Name, suppbp, mainbp, 100)
while getuseroption("extrasuppbp") and windowcount(suppbp2) > 0 and getcontainer(suppbp2).emptycount > 0 and itemcount(v.Name, mainbp) > 0 do
moveitems(v.Name, suppbp2, mainbp, 100)
ActualAmount = ActualAmount - 100
Last edited by italop; 04-05-2017 at 12:36 AM.
Half the information is missing from the persistent because it's using userdata and other settings - posting parts of scripts like this is kinda pointless for that reason. If you changed user settings, you shouldn't need to change anything else. If you changed everything else, you shouldn't need to change user settings. If there were a bug in the bot which made pillow backpacks not work, we would've heard about it a long time ago. I still suspect that you've overlooked something, and it's going to be difficult if not impossible to debug without you paying any attention to the questions I'm actually asking.