I made a few waypoints and turned cavebot on... Started walking...
Made a hotkey with pausewalking(10000), bot paused. And another hotkey with pausewalking(0), bot resumed walking instantly.
Which means it's not pausewalking(...) causing your problems.
I need to know exactly what's wrong, or how to reproduce it. (Copy pasting a 80 lines script doesn't help)
This is the script he's using (more or less)
I'll try to reproduce it later.
init start
local Mobs = {'Rat', 'Cave Rat'}
init end
if runeinfo('avalanche rune').cancast and itemcount('avalanche rune') > 0 then
local temp = getarearunetile(false, unpack(Mobs))
if temp.amount >= 2 then
useitemon('avalanche rune', 0, temp.tile)