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    Post Pause Healer on x wpt, and then start on x wpt again[FOR MANATRAINING WPT]

    Hello. First of all, I am noobish when it comes to scripting.

    Right now I am making a mana training script in Port Hope and its built like this:

    Starts in PH Depot > goes to locker and deposit, also withdrawing mana potions[HAD TO PUT DEPOSITER OTHERWISE BANKWITHDRAW DIDNT WORK] > goes to bank and withdraw cash for supplies > Goes to manashop, buying manas.

    Then the script will stay just by port hope manashop, spam utana vid and mana potions.

    Now to the problem. I want the script to go refill at 50 mana potions but that is a problem..
    Because, everytime I try to write to an NPC the char will just pop a spell right before the bot had time to even write "hi" to the NPC..

    I have already tried to make an action right before the deposit action
    where I wrote:

    setsetting('Healer/Manatrainer', 'no')
    setsetting('Healer/PotionHealer', 'no')

    then another right after I bought supplies and start casting spells..

    setsetting('Healer/Manatrainer', 'yes')
    setsetting('Healer/PotionHealer', 'yes')

    So when I created these actions first before the depositer, then after the supplybuyer it doesnt works?
    The bot only skips this waypoint and goes to the next one instead, without pausing the healer settings.

    Can someone help me in this matter?
    Am I doing wrong? How can I just make an action to put right before the depositer which pauses my whole healing
    then turns it on when I've bought all my mana potions?

    If I get this to script work properly I'd be glad to share the script with you all!

    Thank you in advance!
    Last edited by ollev; 02-11-2016 at 03:46 PM.



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