searching for a character 600+ on optional pvp , i do western union , and have chars to do in deal if it's of your interest.
searching for a character 600+ on optional pvp , i do western union , and have chars to do in deal if it's of your interest.
probably the biggest reseller on tibia have thats lv like
couple month ago he sold almost 700 rp there then maybe check site if i helped u giv me Resputation Point. Thanks
probably u dont hear about shop the oldest site his shop but wahtever all people knows that, to bad u have not good prices and people dont wannt buy yours feru hats xD
to be honest i have only heard bad stuff from that site, if they got the experience and such reputation i really wonder why wont they do something similar as xiorguz (i dnt know if i spell this right/ dnt kill me for it plx)
overall they look like "good" ppl but WAY to shady to even think about a deal with them..thats my word of advice
thanks all for the warnings , keep searching characters! bump