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Thread: "New Vocation"

  1. #1
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    "New Vocation"

    According to

    "Over three years ago, we presented you a rough concept to redefine the four vocations. Due to several internal and external factors we had to put off our work on this topic.

    After all the time that has passed by, it is finally time again to pick up our work. Of course, we checked your feedback we received back then, but we also want to know what you, the community of today, is thinking about our current thoughts regarding vocations.

    Therefore, our game designer Evonary drew up a new and reworked, but still rough concept of how vocations could be defined in the future.
    Please note: It is only a rough draft. Nothing is carved into stone and everything is still subject to change. This is only a first vision and in no way a detailed concept ready to be developed. We have still a long way to go but right now we want to hear your feedback about our first vision to see if there are any major flaws we have overlooked, and we are curious how you like it altogether.

    Please also note that we had to exclude any PvP related topics in this first draft. We focused only on the PvE aspect of the game. We are aware that once we include PvP into the development, certain things have to be reviewed again.

    Of course, we can only work on the vocations if we are willing to change, adjust or even to implement new stuff into the game. Therefore, our ideas are based on the following conditions (please note again that everything is still subject to change):

    • Adjustment and revision of the buff, debuff, damage over time systems.
    • Adjustment of the rune and spell system.
    • Reworking of the summon system.
    • Adjustment of the enchanted weapon system.
    • Adjustment of the capacity, mana and hitpoints increase at level up.
    • Adjustment of the promotions.
    • Adjustment of armory and weapons.
    • Implementation of critical hits.
    • Implementation of a hit chance for all kinds of attacks.
    • Implementation of a second promotion with new special skills.
    • Adjustment of the skill progress.

    In the following, you find four links which lead you to four different threads, one for each vocation. In the threads, we show you a rough concept of each vocation. You will also find a short template with some questions we would like to ask you."

    Last edited by Neos; 10-29-2014 at 03:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    "Dear Tibians,

    this is the thread about the vocation knight.

    As always, insults, disrespect or slander will not be tolerated. Also off-topic posts or posts without any constructive feedback will usually be deleted without further notice.

    Please read the rough concept below and answer the questions you will find at the end of the post. Please understand that any post that does not roughly follow the question template will be deleted without further notice.


    An excellent blocker

    The role this vocation can fill during a fight:

    First role: tank
    Second role: physical damage dealer

    Basic definition (general description, abilities and skills):

    • weak offence
    • strong defence
    • light healing (only self-healing)
    • cannot use runes
    • no elemental damage (except enchanted weapons)


    First promotion (level 20): challenge

    Second promotion (level 100): choose between two specialisations (second promotion can be changed on special conditions):

    1. Focus on tank

    • special challenge spell
    • can block more than 2 enemies

    2. Focus on damage

    • special damage abilities
    • increased damage


    1. Compared to the other three vocations: Is the basic definition unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    2. Are the different second promotions unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    3. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion unappealing? If yes, please state why.

    4. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion overpowered? If yes, please state why.
    Last edited by Neos; 10-29-2014 at 04:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    "Dear Tibians,

    this is the thread about the vocation druid.

    As always, insults, disrespect or slander will not be tolerated. Also off-topic posts or posts without any constructive feedback will usually be deleted without further notice.

    Please read the rough concept below and answer the questions you will find at the end of the post. Please understand that any post that does not roughly follow the question template will be deleted without further notice.


    An excellent healer and supporter

    The role this vocation can fill during a fight:

    First Role: healer and supporter
    Second Role: elemental damage dealer

    Basic definition (general description, abilities and skills):

    • weak offence
    • strongest healing and ability to heal other players
    • damage over time spells
    • can heal debuffs
    • only vocation with summons


    First promotion (level 20): can boost magical resistances / special healing spell

    Second promotion (level 100): choose between two specialisations (second promotion can be changed on special conditions):

    1. Focus on healing and support

    special buffs, debuffs
    increased healing output

    2. Focus on damage

    special elemental strikes and waves
    increased damage output


    1. Compared to the other three vocations: Is the basic definition unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    2. Are the different second promotions unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    3. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion unappealing? If yes, please state why.

    4. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion overpowered? If yes, please state why."
    Last edited by Neos; 10-29-2014 at 03:34 PM.

  4. #4
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    "Dear Tibians,

    this is the thread about the vocation sorcerer.

    As always, insults, disrespect or slander will not be tolerated. Also off-topic posts or posts without any constructive feedback will usually be deleted without further notice.

    Please read the rough concept below and answer the questions you will find at the end of the post. Please understand that any post that does not roughly follow the question template will be deleted without further notice.


    An excellent damage dealer

    The role this vocation can fill during a fight:

    First role: strong death damage dealer
    Second role: strong elemental damage dealer

    Basic definition (general description, abilities and skills):

    • strong offence
    • Weak defence
    • light healing (only self-healing)
    • only vocation which can create and use sudden death runes
    • more death attack spells (death wave, death beam, strong death strike)


    First promotion (level 20): can boost magical damage of energy, fire or death attacks

    Second promotion (level 100): choose between two specialisations (second promotion can be changed on special conditions):

    1. Focus on maximum damage

    buffs for fire and energy spells
    increased attack spells

    2. Focus on crowed control

    special spells to silence and interrupt magical attacks of enemies
    increased attack spells


    1. Compared to the other three vocations: Is the basic definition unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    2. Are the different second promotions unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    3. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion unappealing? If yes, please state why.

    4. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion overpowered? If yes, please state why."
    Last edited by Neos; 10-29-2014 at 03:57 PM.

  5. #5
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    "Dear Tibians,

    this is the thread about the vocation paladin.

    As always, insults, disrespect or slander will not be tolerated. Also off-topic posts or posts without any constructive feedback will usually be deleted without further notice.

    Please read the rough concept below and answer the questions you will find at the end of the post. Please understand that any post that does not roughly follow the question template will be deleted without further notice.


    A jack of all trades

    The role this vocation can fill during a fight:

    First role: physical damage dealer and distance fighter
    Second role: tank and close combat fighter

    Basic definition (general description, abilities and skills):

    • average offence
    • only vocation which can use holy magic
    • light self-healing and light healing of others
    • can use some runes (not as many as druid and sorcerer)
    • mixture of single and area attacks
    • tank (not as good as a knight)


    First promotion (level 20): can boost holy attacks or distance skills

    Second promotion (level 100): choose between two specialisations (second promotion can be changed on special conditions):

    1. Focus on multi target

    increased multi target damage
    special multi target ammunition

    2. Focus on single target

    increased single target damage
    special debuffs/buffs


    1. Compared to the other three vocations: Is the basic definition unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    2. Are the different second promotions unique and diverse enough? If not, please state why.

    3. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion unappealing? If yes, please state why.

    4. Compared to the other three vocations: Is any second promotion overpowered? If yes, please state why."
    Last edited by Neos; 10-29-2014 at 03:59 PM.

  6. #6
    Free User pvzin's Avatar
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    I've been thinking on something like this for a while now and I like the way it looks.
    Of course, it lacks info, but it seems interesting.

  7. #7
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pvzin View Post
    I've been thinking on something like this for a while now and I like the way it looks.
    Of course, it lacks info, but it seems interesting.
    I thought so...
    I like the changes aswell, but as cipsoft team said, "It is only a rough draft"... But i like de idea!

  8. #8
    Moderator Dehan's Avatar
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    It is going to take months... if not years. But I kinda liked the idea

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  9. #9
    Free User Neos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dehan View Post
    It is going to take months... if not years. But I kinda liked the idea
    "Over three years ago, we presented you a rough concept to redefine the four vocations. Due to several internal and external factors we had to put off our work on this topic"

    They are working on this concept for at least a few months, so i'll not take that long, who knows, a year maybe

    The only negative thing i see in this is that druids will not longer be able to use SD

  10. #10
    Free User Rose's Avatar
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    Why does it say "New Vocation" in the title?
    I don't find anything about a new vocation.



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