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  1. #1
    Free User
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    Buying Scripts / Comprando Scripts

    What’s up guys
    I’m looking to buy those scripts bellow.
    I’m playing at Kivera and in this OTserver it’s impossible to deposit items at backpacks inside of depot. If anyone could make it to deposit inside of the lockers, it would be great and I’ll buy it.
    If you know how to make it and make goods scripts, send me an email at [email protected]
    I pay it with: Tibia Coins, PayPal or CashApp (USA ONLY).

    List for EKS

    * Roshamuul West luring 3/4 creatures at one spot.
    * Carnívoras all floors with selection.
    * Asura with 3 floors.
    * Minotaur Cult Thais.
    * Drakens Wall.
    * Cobra Bastion, with the part to Kill the Boss (ugly monster) and Safe Lure
    * Diremaw with Safe Lure
    * Feyrist Nightmare Creatures With the part to Kill the Boss.
    * The Hive +3 and +4.
    * Glooth Tower Oramond.
    * Medusa Tower Port Hope.
    * War Golem Yalahar.
    * If you have some script completed send me an email at [email protected] telling me about the price and what the script do

    Fala aí Rapaziada.
    Estou procurando para comprar esses scripts da lista abaixo.
    Estou jogando em Kivera e nesse OTserver é impossível depositar os itens dentro da backpack no depot. Se alguém de vocês souber como fazer para depositar apenas nos lockers eu vou querer comprar alguns scripts.
    Mande um e-mail para mim no [email protected].
    Pago com Tíbia Coins, PayPal ou Transferencia Bancária.

    Lista para EKS

    * Roshamuul West luring 3/4 creatures at one spot.
    * Carnívoras all floors with selection.
    * Asura with 3 floors.
    * Minotaur Cult Thais.
    * Drakens Wall.
    * Cobra Bastion, with the part to Kill the Boss (ugly monster) and Safe Lure
    * Diremaw with Safe Lure
    * Feyrist Nightmare Creatures With the part to Kill the Boss.
    * The Hive +3 and +4.
    * Glooth Tower Oramond.
    * Medusa Tower Port Hope.
    * War Golem Yalahar.
    * Se você tiver algum script pronto, que sejam de lugares bons para soltar, mande um e-mail para mim no [email protected] com as informações do lugar e o preço.

  2. #2
    Free User Psiuuuu's Avatar
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