Level :390
Skill: 109/103 club
All Access Quests Completed
Outfits: Citizen full | knight full | nobleman full | warrior full | barbarian full | wizard full | druid full | pirate | assassin full | norseman full | nightmare full | jester full | afflicted full | deepling addon 2 | dream warden outfit | death harald full | rift warrior outfit | festive outfit
Mounts: Gnarlhound | Walker | War Bear | Blazebringer | Stampor | War Horse | Dromedary | Shadow Draptor | Dragonling
Equipment: naked
Charms: Dodge
Loyalty: 30%
Its a great char to make money in Premia. Most spawns are empty because server is dead so you can farm a lot of coins in short time or pg.
Can trade for MS