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Thread: Trials

  1. #1
    Free User
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    Since we don't have our bots running on global anymore, we do have a option to use it in some OTs, was we all know, the numbers of OTs out there is insane and like me, how i do know if i purchase it'll work in the one i liked ?

    We should have a new trial system, where we have a few time to test b4 purchase, the actual trial doesn't work for the old ones cuz we had used it long time ago, so it'll be nice if we could ask for a 1day trial in somewhere or somehow.

    I'm playing a OT, but i still have doubts b4 purchase, if it'll work or what, which version i should download and lots of things.. that in mind i'm not sure to buy cuz it's to risky.(was student it's my survival money xD)
    If the player test, get a taste of the thing working, 100% will buy it.

    Sorry for bad english, i did my best xD

    I could aprecciate all opinions with comunity and staff members, what do u think about this.

  2. #2
    Free User
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    Otherthing, we could create a new topics on forum with OT's things, showcase, discussions, tutorials, to gather the comunity who still buy it to use on ot.

  3. #3
    Moderator Josh's Avatar
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    There are a few people using the bot on OT servers but not many. We won't extend the trial system because it's a lot of work for very little gain, and the bot is already fairly cheap. I would suggest that if you want to bot an OT, either try find someone who already bots that OT, or just find one which has an unmodified client (e.g one you can connect to with just an IP changer).
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