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  1. #1
    Free User
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    May 2017
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    [HUD] Edited RecentLoot

    Hello everyone.
    I would like to present...
    Edited RecentLoot script colored by item price

    7 difrent colors
    #fixed - if rare item was earlier than lower price item, now correctly showing color.

    Still working with "(bonus prey active)", cant find solution why not showing correct color if last item was rare.

    init start
    -- SCRIPT_VERSION = '2.3.2'
    -- Edited by HunterSor for Lazy assholes ;D

    --ITEMS OVER 80k--
    local warnItemsErare = {'magic plate armor', 'nose ring'} --over 80k
    local erareLootColor = 0x850185

    --ITEMS OVER 30k--
    local warnItemsUrare = {'zaoan sword', 'zaoan helmet', 'windborn colossus armor', 'vile axe', 'unholy book', 'the justice seeker', 'the ironworker', 'the avenger', 'tempest shield', 'steel boots', 'spirit container', 'skull helmet', 'ruthless axe', 'runed sword', 'royal helmet', 'royal axe', 'ring of the sky', 'panda teddy', 'ornate shield', 'ornate mace', 'ornate legs', 'ornate chestplate', 'nightmare blade', 'mystic blade', 'mycological bow', 'mastermind shield', 'icy mystic blade', 'icy heroic axe', 'icy cranial basher', 'hive bow', 'heroic axe', 'heavy mace', 'hammer of wrath', 'guardian boots', 'greenwood coat', 'golden legs', 'fiery mystic blade', 'fiery heroic axe', 'fiery cranial basher', 'executioner', 'energy mystic blade', 'energy heroic axe', 'energy cranial basher', 'earth mystic blade', 'earth heroic axe', 'earth cranial basher', 'dwarven legs', 'dwarven armor', 'draken boots', 'dragon scale mail', 'dragon robe', 'divine plate', 'depth scutum', 'depth lorica', 'depth galea', 'demonrage sword', 'demonbone amulet', 'demon trophy', 'demon shield', 'demon helmet', 'deepling axe', 'crystal crossbow', 'cranial basher', 'cobra crown', 'chain bolter', 'carapace shield', 'boots of haste', 'bloody edge', 'blessed sceptre', 'blade of corruption', 'arbalest', 'arcane staff', 'berserker' } --over 30k
    local urareLootColor = 0xFF0000

    --ITEMS OVER 10k--
    local warnItemsVrare = {'zaoan robe', 'zaoan legs', 'zaoan armor', 'war axe', 'violet gem', 'vampire shield', 'thaian sword', 'terra mantle', 'terra legs', 'swamplair armor', 'spellbook of mind control', 'spellbook of lost souls', 'skullcracker armor', 'silkweaver bow', 'shadow sceptre', 'sea serpent trophy', 'sais', 'rubber cap', 'relic sword', 'piece of royal steel', 'phoenix shield', 'pharoah sword', 'paladin armor', 'ornate crossbow', 'ornamented axe', 'onyx flail', 'noble axe', 'moohtant cudgel', 'modified crossbow', 'mercenary sword', 'magma legs', 'magma coat', 'lightning robe', 'lightning legs', 'lavos armor', 'jade hammer', 'icy war axe', 'icy relic sword', 'icy dragon slayer', 'huge chunk of crude iron', 'hive scythe', 'heat core', 'guardian halberd', 'grasshopper legs', 'golden armor', 'glacier robe', 'glacier kilt', 'giant sword', 'frozen starlight', 'fiery war axe', 'fiery relic sword', 'fiery dragon slayer', 'execowtioner axe', 'energy war axe', 'energy relic sword', 'energy dragon slayer', 'enchanted chicken wing', 'egg of the many', 'earth war axe', 'earth relic sword', 'earth dragon slayer', 'dreaded cleaver', 'drakinata', 'draken trophy', 'dragon slayer', 'dragon lord trophy', 'drachaku', 'djinn blade', 'depth ocrea', 'depth calcei', 'crystalline armor', 'crystal wand', 'crystal mace', 'crown legs', 'crown armor', 'composite hornbow', 'claw of the noxious spawn', 'ceremonial ankh', 'calopteryx cape', 'bonebreaker', 'lue robe', 'blue legs', 'behemoth trophy', 'abyss hammer', 'alloy legs', 'assassin dagger', 'baby seal doll' } --over 10k
    local vrareLootColor = 0xffaa00

    --ITEMS OVER 5k--
    local warnItemslrare = {'witch hat', 'warrior helmet', 'war horn', 'wand of everblazing', 'wand of defiance', 'tower shield', 'tentacle piece', 'stuffed dragon', 'springsprout rod', 'spiked squelcher', 'spellbook of warding', 'souleater trophy', 'soul stone', 'skull staff', 'sapphire hammer', 'pure energy', 'orcish maul', 'muck rod', 'mother soil', 'mino lance', 'metal bat', 'medusa shield', 'marlin trophy', 'mammoth fur cape', 'magic sulphur', 'lunar staff', 'lizard trophy', 'knight legs', 'knight armor', 'jade hat', 'icy orcish maul', 'icy headchopper', 'icy blacksteel sword', 'headchopper', 'haunted blade', 'guardian axe', 'green gem', 'gold ring', 'gold ingot', 'glooth cape', 'glacial rod', 'gearwheel chain', 'focus cape', 'flawless ice crystal', 'fire axe', 'fiery orcish maul', 'fiery headchopper', 'fiery blacksteel sword', 'eternal flames', 'epee', 'energy orcish maul', 'energy headchopper', 'energy blacksteel sword', 'earth orcish maul', 'earth headchopper', 'earth blacksteel sword', 'dragon lance', 'dragon claw', 'dracoyle statue', 'deepling squelcher', 'crusader helmet', 'crown shield', 'chaos mace', 'castle shield', 'buckle', 'broken key ring', 'bright sword', 'bonelord helmet', 'bonebeast trophy', 'black skull', 'blacksteel sword', 'batwing hat'} --over 5k
    local lrareLootColor = 0xCCFF11

    --ITEMS OVER 1k--
    local warnItems = {'yellow gem', 'wyvern fang', 'wolf trophy', 'wand of voodoo', 'wand of starstorm', 'wand of inferno', 'wand of draconia', 'wand of decay', 'wand of cosmic energy', 'underworld rod', 'titan axe', 'terra rod', 'terra hood', 'terra boots', 'terra amulet', 'spool of yarn', 'spike sword', 'spellbook of enlightenment', 'sniper gloves', 'skeleton decoration', 'shockwave amulet', 'shard', 'scarab shield', 'sacred tree amulet', 'ruby necklace', 'purple tome', 'platinum amulet', 'pirate hat', 'pirate boots', 'piece of draconian steel', 'patched boots', 'pair of iron fists', 'ornamented shield', 'northwind rod', 'norse shield', 'necrotic rod', 'ecklace of the deep', 'natural soil', 'naginata', 'mino shield', 'metal spats', 'magma monocle', 'magma boots', 'magma amulet', 'lion trophy', 'lightning pendant', 'lightning headband', 'lightning boots', 'leopard armor', 'knight axe', 'icy war hammer', 'icy knight axe', 'iced soil', 'ce rapier', 'hibiscus dress', 'helmet of the lost', 'heavy trident', 'hailstorm rod', 'guardian shield', 'golden sickle', 'golden amulet', 'glorious axe', 'glooth whip', 'glooth club', 'glooth blade', 'glooth axe', 'glooth amulet', 'glimmering soil', 'glacier shoes', 'glacier mask', 'glacier amulet', 'giant shimmering pearl', 'flower dress', 'fire sword', 'fiery war hammer', 'fiery spike sword', 'fiery knight axe', 'energy war hammer', 'energy spike sword', 'energy soil', 'energy knight axe', 'elvish bow', 'earth war hammer', 'earth spike sword', 'earth knight axe', 'dragon hammer', 'disgusting trophy', 'diamond sceptre', 'devil helmet', 'demon horn', 'deer trophy', 'deepling staff', 'death ring', 'daramanian waraxe', 'crystal of power', 'crystal of focus', 'crystal of balance', 'crown helmet', 'crocodile boots', 'cowtana', 'broken visor', 'broken ring of ending', 'amber staff', 'angelic axe', 'banana staff', 'bat decoration', 'beastslayer axe', 'beetle necklace', 'behemoth claw' } --over 1k
    local rareLootColor = 0xFFFF00

    local warnItemsRusty = {'rusty armor', 'rusty legs'}
    local rustyLootColor = 0x993300

    local warnItemsPlatinum = {'platinum coins', 'platinum coin'}
    local platinumLootColor = 0x02d0ff

    local maxMsgs = 8 -- max lines to display at once
    local msgTimeOut = 30000 -- will only show loots from the last 30 seconds

    local position = 'left' -- right or left

    local lootColor = 0x11EC09

    -- dont edit anything below this line

    local fontsize = 7
    local fontspacing = fontsize + 6
    local isRight = (position == 'right')
    local msgs = {}

    setfontstyle("Tahoma", fontsize, 75, lootColor, 1, 0x002200)
    init end

    foreach newmessage m do
    if m.level == 0 and m.content:sub(0,8) == 'Loot of ' then
    local msgInfo = m.content:lootmsg()
    local color = lootColor
    local hasItems = false
    local a = 0
    local b = 0
    local c = 0
    local d = 0
    local e = 0
    local f = 0
    local g = 0
    local msg = .. ': '

    local lastIndex = #msgInfo.items
    for index, item in ipairs(msgInfo.items) do
    hasItems = true

    if (item.count > 1) then
    msg = msg .. item.count .. ' '
    msg = msg ..
    if index ~= lastIndex then
    msg = msg .. ', ' or ' ('

    if table.find(warnItemsErare, then
    a = a + 1
    elseif table.find(warnItemsUrare, then
    b = b + 1
    elseif table.find(warnItemsVrare, then
    c = c + 1
    elseif table.find(warnItemslrare, then
    d = d + 1
    elseif table.find(warnItems, then
    e = e + 1
    elseif table.find(warnItemsRusty, then
    f = f + 1
    elseif table.find(warnItemsPlatinum, then
    g = g + 1

    if (hasItems) then
    if a > 0 then
    color = erareLootColor
    elseif b > 0 then
    color = urareLootColor
    elseif c > 0 then
    color = vrareLootColor
    elseif d > 0 then
    color = lrareLootColor
    elseif e > 0 then
    color = rareLootColor
    elseif f > 0 then
    color = rustyLootColor
    elseif g > 0 then
    color = platinumLootColor
    local msgWidth = measurestring(msg)
    table.insert(msgs, {['msg'] = msg, ['color'] = color, ['time'] = $timems, ['width'] = msgWidth})

    local msgsLen = #msgs
    local longestLine = 0
    if isRight then
    for index = msgsLen, math.max(msgsLen - maxMsgs + 1, 1), -1 do
    if msgs[index].width > longestLine then longestLine = msgs[index].width end

    local i = 1
    while (i <= msgsLen) do
    if $timems - msgs[i].time <= msgTimeOut and i > msgsLen - maxMsgs then
    addtext(msgs[i].msg, tern(isRight, longestLine - msgs[i].width + 2, 2), i*fontspacing)

    i = i + 1
    table.remove(msgs, i)

    msgsLen = #msgs

    if not isRight then
    setposition($worldwin.left + 3, $worldwin.bottom - i*fontspacing)
    setposition($worldwin.right - 3 - longestLine, $worldwin.bottom - i*fontspacing)

    if msgsLen == 0 then -- to clear HUD when resetting script
    addtext('', 0, 0)

    Plz, do not hate me code, could be awefull, but u can still use earlier version

    Last edited by HUNTERSOR; 07-17-2017 at 11:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Free User Cisco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power

    Very good, but you have to configure hud every time you change the hunt. You could try using the foreach lootingitem which uses the bot looting settings


    foreach  lootingitem  m  category  do
    if (m.sellprice >= 80) then
    LootColor = 0x850185
    elseif (m.sellprice >= 30) and (m.sellprice < 80) then
    LootColor = 0xFF0000

  3. #3
    Free User
    Join Date
    May 2017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cisco View Post

    Very good, but you have to configure hud every time you change hunt
    Could u explain that ?

    Mb. Ill explain how its works.

    I created version of this script thinking about Team Hunts.
    Many times my palladin didnt collect any expensive items because usually he must be fast and following us to get sharied experience, looking into loot table and read whats dropped its timeless, so, i decide that first version of "recentloot" script is not satisfactory for me because i have only 1 type of color.
    I wanted see specified item in another color.
    Like if i see green, blue, yellow i know, there aren't expensive items, so if palladin miss it, ill not cry, but if i see color purple, red or orange, i know , there is something interesting, and i can tell to my palladin that example: steel boots dropped and he should find it.

    So i created 7 tables and i seperated into groups of items by cost like
    group A items over 80k
    Group B items over 30k ect.

    All items in tables are sellable in NPC
    I didnt put items which i cant sold, coz price is another on every Tibia server.

    And propably(didnt try ur version, but tested without new variables), this script is simple, if found item, change color, but.. if loot look like this:

    Loot of rat: steel boots, 2 platinum coins.

    Color will be blue, not red.
    Found: steel boot
    Color = 0xFF0000
    next item - found: 2 platinum coins
    Color = 0x0000FF

    Finnaly color - 0x0000FF
    And i think nothing interest inside coz i will not read blue loot color.
    Below original code of RecentLoot (didnt found thread with this script)
    init start
    -- SCRIPT_VERSION = '1.1.1'
    local warnItems = {'fire sword', 'boots of haste', 'wand of inferno'} -- you can add more items here
    local maxMsgs = 5 -- max lines to display at once
    local msgTimeOut = 30000 -- will only show loots from the last 30 seconds

    local position = 'left' -- right or left
    local rareLootColor = 0xCE7C4E
    local lootColor = 0x2DA357

    -- dont edit anything below this line
    local fontsize = 7
    local fontspacing = fontsize + 6
    local isRight = (position == 'right')
    local msgs = {}

    setfontstyle("Tahoma", fontsize, 75, lootColor, 1, 0x002200)
    init end

    foreach newmessage m do
    if m.level == 0 and m.content:sub(0,8) == 'Loot of ' then
    local msgInfo = m.content:lootmsg()
    local color = lootColor
    local hasItems = false

    local msg = .. ': '

    local lastIndex = #msgInfo.items
    for index, item in ipairs(msgInfo.items) do
    hasItems = true

    if (item.count > 1) then
    msg = msg .. item.count .. ' '
    msg = msg ..
    if index ~= lastIndex then
    msg = msg .. ', '

    if table.find(warnItems, then
    color = rareLootColor

    if (hasItems) then
    local msgWidth = measurestring(msg)
    table.insert(msgs, {['msg'] = msg, ['color'] = color, ['time'] = $timems, ['width'] = msgWidth})

    local msgsLen = #msgs
    local longestLine = 0
    if isRight then
    for index = msgsLen, math.max(msgsLen - maxMsgs + 1, 1), -1 do
    if msgs[index].width > longestLine then longestLine = msgs[index].width end

    local i = 1
    while (i <= msgsLen) do
    if $timems - msgs[i].time <= msgTimeOut and i > msgsLen - maxMsgs then
    addtext(msgs[i].msg, tern(isRight, longestLine - msgs[i].width + 2, 2), i*fontspacing)

    i = i + 1
    table.remove(msgs, i)

    msgsLen = #msgs

    if not isRight then
    setposition($worldwin.left + 3, $worldwin.bottom - i*fontspacing)
    setposition($worldwin.right - 3 - longestLine, $worldwin.bottom - i*fontspacing)

    if msgsLen == 0 then -- to clear HUD when resetting script
    addtext('', 0, 0)
    Last edited by HUNTERSOR; 07-18-2017 at 11:09 PM.



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