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  1. #1
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    sellitemsmarket offeranonymous checkbox issue

    PROBLEM: The function below only sometimes clicks the anonymous checkbox.
    sellitemsmarket ( string itemname, number price , number amount , optional bool createoffer , optional bool offeranonymous )

    GOAL: To ensure checkbox for anonymous offer is ticked 100% of the time.

    POSSIBLE CAUSE: Function executes too quickly, skipping part of the method. (Like skipping "hi" to npc and saying "trade" right away.)

    I've tried 2 variations of the above fuction::

    sellitemsmarket("Demon Shield", 29900, 1, true, true)  --> creates the offer, sometimes checks the anonymous offer box.
    sellitemsmarket("Demon Shield", 29900, 1, true) --> creates the offer, sometimes checks anonymous offer box. (By default supposed to create anonymous offer)
    Adding wait times before/after the function doesn't change the outcome.
    So I tried playing with mouse settings, the click time, which seems to make a difference but I'm unsure. Tried 250-400, 150-250, 1000-1050(this last one stalls the market operation altogether)

    Is there a way to get into the bot code itself and re-code the function to give more time to click the checkbox?
    What other approaches could I take to possibly solve this problem?

    Thank you for reading, and for the possible suggestions that you may have
    Last edited by GimmePancakes; 06-05-2017 at 07:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Free User
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    sellitemsmarket("Demon Shield", 29900, 1, true, true)
    What happens 100% of the time in script is:

    1.Types Demon Shield in search
    1.Selects sell
    2.Types in price
    3.Types amount
    4.Places the offer on the market.

    What it misses around 40-70% of the time is the anonymous offer checkbox. When set true for optional bool offeranonymous. And same happens when optional bool offeranonymous is left blank (docs say it defaults to true).
    Last edited by GimmePancakes; 06-05-2017 at 07:09 PM.



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