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  1. #1
    Wind Powered Wario's Avatar
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    Discussion about Windbot 11 importance

    I wanted to create this thread a long ago, but only now I took the time to do it for real.

    There is something that I think and would like to share with you, users, scripters and developers of Windbot. I know that the stable bot is Windbot 10 and that Winbot 11 has been in beta for a few months now. But in fact, I think Windbot 11 should gain more attention and become the main product (or at least receive the same attention as the 10).

    I would like to state the reasons why I think this: mainly because of what was introduced in the last update of Tibia, which was the removal of the pushbacks (which makes your character stop using a potion in Tibia 10). This simply changes EVERYTHING to those who use bot with mage or paladin. The fact that you can walk and use potion at the same time simply makes the mages no longer need to stop to use potion and can walk and attack the creatures at the same time. Also, there is another very important fact for those who play on Brazilian servers (I believe the vast majority of users of Windbot): in Tibia 10 you must necessarily connect to the Tibia anti-DDOS server, which raises your ping to 400 ~ 500 (practically the same ping of the NA or EU servers), and in Tibia 11 you connect directly to the server, which causes (in my case, for example) your ping to be 60 ~ 90. That allied to the first point I brought, makes a stark difference when you're using the bot.

    To give an example, with my RP 150+, with a specific script, using Wind10 I make on average 240k/h of exp and 20k/h of profit. In Tibia 11, with the same items and same script, I make 300k/h of exp and 35k/h of profit.

    Not to mention the fact that the experience of playing in Tibia 11 is much smoother than in Tibia 10. Finally, you have to take into account that the days of Tibia 10 are counted, so why continue focusing mainly on this product that soon will no longer exist?

    I emphasize that this is not only the opinion of a user, because I have 3 friends who also use the bot and share my opinion, but unfortunately do not speak english.

    Unfortunately WindBot 11 still has many bugs, which is why many of us have to choose between using Wind10 (good and stable) with Tibia 10 (outdated and lagged) or using Tibia 11 (good and smooth) with Wind11 (buggy). Neither option is good.

    For this reason, I would like to raise this discussion among the community and contribute to Windbot 11 the way I can by making a list of bugs that need to be fixed (link).
    Last edited by Wario; 05-15-2017 at 04:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Free User Cisco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wario View Post
    I wanted to create this thread a long ago, but only now I took the time to do it for real.

    There is something that I think and would like to share with you, users, scripters and developers of Windbot. I know that the stable bot is Windbot 10 and that Winbot 11 has been in beta for a few months now. But in fact, I think Windbot 11 should gain more attention and become the main product (or at least receive the same attention as the 10).

    I would like to state the reasons why I think this: mainly because of what was introduced in the last update of Tibia, which was the removal of the pushbacks (which makes your character stop using a potion in Tibia 10). This simply changes EVERYTHING to those who use bot with mage or paladin. The fact that you can walk and use potion at the same time simply makes the mages no longer need to stop to use potion and can walk and attack the creatures at the same time. Also, there is another very important fact for those who play on Brazilian servers (I believe the vast majority of users of Windbot): in Tibia 10 you must necessarily connect to the Tibia anti-DDOS server, which raises your ping to 400 ~ 500 (practically the same ping of the NA or EU servers), and in Tibia 11 you connect directly to the server, which causes (in my case, for example) your ping to be 60 ~ 90. That allied to the first point I brought, makes a stark difference when you're using the bot.

    To give an example, with my RP 150+, with a specific script, using Wind10 I make on average 240k/h of exp and 20k/h of profit. In Tibia 11, with the same items and same script, I make 300k/h of exp and 35k/h of profit.

    Not to mention the fact that the experience of playing in Tibia 11 is much smoother than in Tibia 10. Finally, you have to take into account that the days of Tibia 10 are counted, so why continue focusing mainly on this product that soon will no longer exist?

    I emphasize that this is not only the opinion of a user, because I have 3 friends who also use the bot and share my opinion, but unfortunately do not speak english.

    Unfortunately WindBot 11 still has many bugs, which is why many of us have to choose between using Wind10 (good and stable) with Tibia 10 (outdated and lagged) or using Tibia 11 (good and smooth) with Wind11 (buggy). Neither option is good.

    For this reason, I would like to raise this discussion among the community and contribute to Windbot 11 the way I can by making a list of bugs that need to be fixed (link).
    You politely spoke what others say uneducated, but the idea remains the same.

    The priority is the bot running with active Battleye.
    One of the big problems I see is that many are using even with bugs and I do not see posts being made in the Bugs segment, which I see is a complaint that the bot is not updated to work in the new versions.
    I also wanted Windbot 11 to be the official version of Windbot and maybe it could be a long time ago, but Battleye came to delay the update of the bot.



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