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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Excape View Post
    You could just log onto all the VMs and wipe out peoples items/cash/coins etc
    Or can we use our own VM? If so, I will sign up instantly for dedicated VM x 5
    Well, technically I can steal people. You should use two-factor authentication and keep your items in a safe account if you do not trust our service. Keep in mind that once I hack one user, all others will just go away, so probably not a good idea for me.

    You can't use your own VM and it wouldn't be worth it.

    The bot is sort of expensive, but, if I am not mistaken, tibia 12 consumes a lot more resources. Here in my notebook, one single tibia client uses 80% cpu already. Bot uses another 80%, so it is necessary at least a 2x CPU to run a single client + bot, which costs already 10 USD if you rent a vps. I mean, if I could reduce the price I would. Still you can buy 10 hours for as little as 1 USD. I make around 10kk exp in 10 hours, so 1USD for 10kk XP is pretty reasonable.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kadenlothar View Post
    Well, technically I can steal people. You should use two-factor authentication and keep your items in a safe account if you do not trust our service. Keep in mind that once I hack one user, all others will just go away, so probably not a good idea for me.

    You can't use your own VM and it wouldn't be worth it.

    The bot is sort of expensive, but, if I am not mistaken, tibia 12 consumes a lot more resources. Here in my notebook, one single tibia client uses 80% cpu already. Bot uses another 80%, so it is necessary at least a 2x CPU to run a single client + bot, which costs already 10 USD if you rent a vps. I mean, if I could reduce the price I would. Still you can buy 10 hours for as little as 1 USD. I make around 10kk exp in 10 hours, so 1USD for 10kk XP is pretty reasonable.
    2FA wouldn't matter since you have like, teamviewer access so you can just remotely access, stop the bot then go and steal items from the bank

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Excape View Post
    2FA wouldn't matter since you have like, teamviewer access so you can just remotely access, stop the bot then go and steal items from the bank
    I know, but at least I won't be able to steal your stuff when you are not running the bot.

    I guess that, as with any other software or service, you have to trust it. Windbot could have a keylogger and steal your acc and passwd as well, but you trusted them. If you don't trust our service (or any other) you shouldn't use it.



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