Hello am checking how many is interesting in private for rl tibia
am working on a bot for rl tibia right now here is some pic from it will add more later
Hello am checking how many is interesting in private for rl tibia
am working on a bot for rl tibia right now here is some pic from it will add more later
Last edited by FaNtA; 05-22-2019 at 03:26 PM.
Why not? +1
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as long as you are getting reported they will blacklist it eventually and cavebotting = reports, I tried with different methods and result is always the same, only full virtualization works
Last edited by Orimorfus; 05-24-2019 at 02:35 AM.
BE have acces to preety much everthing that runs on your pc, if you collect some reports they will check whats going on exacly
Count me in, however BE will detect it sooner or later even if its a private cheat, unless you obfuscate its executable every single time we open it.
Old 'n Proud Neobot-Elfbot and blackd user
Update on the bot i have working healing,cavebot and targeting
soon ready for testing in public
waiting for this